GOOD MOVES #10: Sustainable behaviours at scale
Hi everyone,
Who is responsible for reducing the human impact on climate change and biodiversity? Is it businesses? Governments? Individuals? Too many discussions still tend to oppose the different actors and focus on one part of the equation.
The opposite couldn’t be truer though. We need everyone to play a part and the decisions and actions of governments, businesses and individuals are all deeply interconnected. For instance, when it comes to integrating insights and solutions from behavioural science into the policymaking process.
In this 10th episode of Good Moves, we interview two experts working on applying behaviour change solutions at scale through behaviourally-informed policymaking and collaboration between scientists and governments.
Rosa Strube, from the Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production, talks about the importance of collaboration between governments, businesses and the third sector to more effectively create sustainable behaviour change.
And Nives Della Valle, from the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre, talks about how to design better energy policies thanks to behavioural insights.
Last but not least, Ramya Rao shares the third and final article of her miniseries on the link between mindfulness and sustainability, including some practical advice for all of us to start living a more conscious life.
Enjoy Good Moves and stay sustainable,
The Behaven team
P.S.: If you would like to become a Good Moves contributor, share your experience or write about behavioural sustainability, contact us.
Science-Policy Collaboration for Sustainability
Rosa Strube, Lead of the sustainable lifestyles team at the Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production (CSCP), tells us more about the importance of collaboration to implement behavioural science for sustainability at scale.
Behavioural Science for Energy Policies
Nives Della Valle, Scientific Project Officer at the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission, tells us more about how behavioural science can help implement greener and fairer energy policies.
Mindfulness for Sustainability: 3 Lessons from Science
In the final article of her miniseries on Mindfulness & Sustainability, Ramya Rao highlights some important lessons from science about what it means to be mindful for the planet.
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