GOOD MOVES #12: Energy Behaviours
Hi everyone,
In its 6th Assessment Report section by Working Group III on demand, services and social aspects of mitigation, the IPCC identified buildings and electricity as part of the sectors that comprise some of the largest percentages of total greenhouse gas emissions. And buildings and electricity also belong to the sectors in which end-use interventions would be the most efficient in reducing emissions.
Encouraging sustainable energy behaviours is therefore a priority, and the current geopolitical context has only reinforced the need to reduce energy consumption and change people’s behaviours accordingly.
To help us better understand how to achieve that, we have interviewed Ulf Hahnel, the newly appointed head of the Center for Psychology of Sustainability and Behavior Change at the University of Basel, about encouraging sustainable energy behaviours.
In line with that, Mira Toumi shares some considerations about the use of nudging vs boosting for energy conservation.
Last but not least, Mikael Mikaelsson MBE, Europe Lead on Net-Zero Innovation & Climate Change at the UK Government’s International Science and Innovation Network, shares some reflections on the importance of considering the role of behaviour when designing the policies that are critical to meeting net-zero targets, including when it comes to energy.
Mikael’s intervention follows the recent European Roundtable on the Role of Behaviour for Net-Zero which we will come back to in future episodes.
Enjoy Good Moves and stay sustainable,
The Behaven team
Sustainable Energy Behaviours
We interviewed Ulf Hahnel, head of the new Center for Psychology of Sustainability and Behavior Change at the University of Basel about sustainable energy behaviour.
Bridging the Behavioural Science-Policy Gap for a Net-Zero Society
Following the recent Roundtable on the Role of Behaviour for Net-Zero, Mikael Mikaelsson MBE, Europe Lead on Net-Zero Innovation & Climate Change, shares some reflections on the importance of considering the role of behaviour when designing the policies that are critical to our success to meet our net-zero targets.
Should we Nudge or Boost Energy Conservation?
Mira Toumi recently joined Behaven as Behavioural Sustainability Scientist. In this article, she considers the use of nudges and boosts to encourage energy reduction behaviours.
A 10-Point Plan to Cut Oil Use
In the face of the emerging global energy crisis triggered by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the International Energy Agency proposes 10 actions that can be taken to reduce oil demand, including some with immediate impact.
The list includes 5 simple and accessible actions for individuals, i.e.:
Work from home up to 3 days/week
Adopt car sharing
Use electric, public and active modes
Avoid business travel when alternatives exist
Prefer high speed and night trains to planes
You can find the full list below and for the accompanying report, click here.
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